City Park

The City Park “Be’er Sheva Beach” named after Lillian and Larry Goodman (who contributed to its establishment), opposite the municipality building, the park covers an area of ​​about eight dunams, which is an exceptional and unique water attraction in the Israeli landscape.

City Park leads a long series of water shows and spectacular water jets along a beach-like strip. The water shows are built along a path, combining special lighting of wave-shaped elements and unique architecture, suitable vegetation and beach-suitable elements, tanning beds, in order to provide visitors with a unique experience of an urban beach.

In addition to being an urban “beach”, City Park combines seating, walking, in part the possibility to touch and enjoy the water and other surprises that await visitors, as part of the project.

The municipal beach is located in the heart of the city. An area that today also constitutes a main artery for cars, buses and pedestrian traffic

Generously donated by Lillian and Larry Goodman.

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