Australian Soldier Park

The Australian Soldier Park is dedicated to the memory of the Australian Light Horse regiments that captured the town from the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

The park was established in 2008 on a large area. On its eastern corner there is a memorial statue of a mounted Australian light horseman as well as documentary materiel on aluminum boards, written in three languages. The park also includes an area for picnics, gardens, artificial waterfalls, a maze, and a large playground under a circuses-tent-like shade that protects visitors from the desert sunlight.

Most of the playground facilities are fully accessible for children who use wheelchairs. It includes slides one can climb to via a wheelchair ramp, a carousel with two regular benches and two secured places for wheelchairs, hammock and swings one can easily use without sitting straightly and without holding tight and more.

Generously donated by the Pratt Foundation

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