Ilanot School

Ilanot School is a special education institution, which serves children with various mental disabilities. It is a regional school serving students from the city of Be’er-Sheva and the surrounding areas.

The students in ILANOT School are defined as disabled in the following categories: cognitive, linguistic, communicative, motoric and emotional.

Currently, Ilanot School serves 134 students in 1st to 8th grades, with ages ranging from 6-15 years. School hours are 8:00- 2:30pm, with lunch served daily. Each class is staffed by at least one teacher with an assistant.

Each class has its own pedagogic plan, which is a part of the school plan; both are determined by the guidelines of the regular (normative/standard) educational plan, with specific adaptations, changes and alternatives. Each student has his/her own personal education plan, defined to suit individual needs. The personal plan is closely linked to the special education core plan and includes: daily living skills, mathematics education, education, science & technology, arts, sports, and more.


Quiet Room:

Many of the children, who study in Ilanot, need some time off during the day. Some of them suffer from anger attacks, discomfort in loud noises or just need to relax during the school day to stay focused.

We have designed a room that can provide them with a place to relax during the day.

Generously donated by Mrs. Arline and Mr. Morton Doblin


Accessible kitchen

We designed an accessible kitchen for students to develop cooking skills and emotional therapy.

Cooking is an important functional skill. Incorporating food preparation into the curriculum of a life skill’s classroom is a fun way to practice both academic and adaptive skills. Teaching cooking skills can be valuable to both children with disabilities and young adults who are transitioning to post-secondary education or independent living.

Generously donated by Ne’eman Foundation


Accessible playground

Our goal was for the students to go outside and enjoy playground facilities like other children in Be’er Sheva. Through the game they learn and create social interaction with each other and undergo therapeutic processes.

Generously donated by Jewish National Fund.

Amount requested:


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